
Consciously created

Quality is the bedrock of Luxtails, and this principle extends beyond our jewellery to encompass our entire production process.

Our sustainability measures are a source of pride, reflecting our commitment to creating a better future for all creatures, whether furry, finned, feathered, or two-footed.

Every precious metal and stone at Luxtails is meticulously sourced from a locally and internationally accredited supplier. This strategic choice plays a pivotal role in our ability to vigilantly monitor and reduce our environmental impact. Their accreditations serve as guarantees that our materials are not only certified but also conflict-free and responsibly sourced.

Our mission is to have a minimal environmental footprint in the crafting of our bespoke pieces, preserving our planet for the future.

Ethically sourced

Luxtails exclusively procures its gold and silver from an Indian refinery that holds accreditation from the Reputed Markets.

Furthermore, our jewellery workshop in India proudly holds membership in the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). This affiliation signifies our unwavering commitment to upholding human rights, labor rights, health and safety standards, and product integrity, all in accordance with the stringent guidelines outlined in RJC’s code of practice.

Made to order

At Luxtails, we embrace a minimal-waste approach to our operations. Given that each piece is crafted as a bespoke, made-to-order creation, we purposefully align our production with demand and refrain from stockpiling excess inventory.

We leverage cutting-edge, eco-friendly metal refining technology, and all raw materials undergo internal recycling. This conscientious practice ensures that all Luxtails silver and gold are manufactured with the highest degree of environmental responsibility.

Furthermore, our packaging primarily utilizes paper materials, consciously minimizing the use of plastic and other non-recyclable materials.

A lifelong treasure

At Luxtails, we firmly endorse the principles of slow fashion and the creation of enduring, high-quality pieces. Your Luxtails jewellery is an investment for a lifetime and, with proper care, there is no need for replacement.

Undoubtedly, Luxtails jewellery embodies luxury, offering that touch of opulence we all deserve at times. However, it’s not just a symbol of luxury; it’s also an investment in exceptional quality and enduring longevity.

As clear as a diamond

Much like the trust your beloved furry companion places in you, Luxtails places its trust in transparency.

We are steadfast in our commitment to openness regarding our processes and production. We continually seek opportunities to enhance our product and reduce our environmental footprint through a process of ongoing learning and evolution.

Our journey, like life itself, is a fur-ever evolving one, and we’re delighted to embark on it alongside you.

Continue the journey...

At Luxtails, we are fully dedicated to safeguarding the planet for the sake of our furry friends and the generations yet to come.

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